Civil PE Exam Review Course - Begins Monday, August 15 - Space is still available!

TSPE and ASCE, TN Section will offer the Civil PE exam review course starting in late summer. If you know someone who is taking the exam on October 28, 2016, please pass this information along.  If you would like to sit in on some of the sessions as a refresher for PDHs, you may regster for a single session (or more) also.

The PE Civil exam review course will be held at the TN Engineering Center again this fall.  The course will be available statewide.  The live session will be held at the TN Engineering Center, 800 Fort Negley Blvd. in Nashville and will be available via a videoconferencing link.  The course will be held Monday evenings (August 15th to October 17th) from 6-8:30 pm.

As we have in the past, the course will be taught by Professional Engineers and based on the Civil Engineering Reference Manual (Lindeburg 13th edition).  It will focus on the “breadth” (morning) portion of the exam and will include the general topics covered during the morning part of the exam.  Seismic and land surveying will not be covered, as they are not covered on the morning exam.  Sessions include Hydrology, Waste & Water Treatment Facilities, Concrete and Steel Design, and Transportation.

To register online, download and mail the registration form or to view the Exam Review schedule, follow the links provided below..  The cost will be $350 for TSPE, ACEC and ASCE members and $550.00 for non-members.   The deadline to register is August 7, 2016.

Online Registration

Register by mail

View the Exam Schedule


Electrical and Mechanical Exam Review Courses

via Live Webinar

TSPE, in cooperation with the Minnesota Society, is offering several PE exam review courses via live webinar.   Click here for information on the courses available.

For additional information, please contact the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers (
