2014 Grand Award Winner - S&ME, Inc.

S&ME, Inc. 

(Paw Paw Creek Mitigation - Water Resources Category)
S&ME overcame numerous funding and design challenges during permitting and compensatory mitigation for the H.T. Hackney Facility in Roane County, Tennessee. Mitigation for stream and wetland impacts occurred onsite, and included restoration of approximately 3,800 feet of Paw Paw Creek and an adjacent tributary, and 10 acres of adjacent wetlands within the Paw Paw Creek watershed. S&ME overcame funding challenges through phased implementation and worked closely with the contractor, modifying the proposed design to address excessive sedimentation from adjacent grading activities. The highly successful mitigation site enhances the Industrial Park and facilitated development of property containing numerous jurisdictional waters.

Congratulations  to all of the 2014 Engineering Excellence Award winners!
