Front Row: (L to R) David Harrell, PE, Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers, Inc. (Past President); Chuck Saunders, PE, Energy Land & Infrastructure, LLC (President ); John Kenny, PE, Facility Systems Consultants, Inc. (President Elect);
Back Row: Joe Ledford, PE, Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. (First Vice President); Steve Field, PE, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.. (ACEC National Director); Mike Stomer, PE, S&ME, Inc. (East TN Chapter President); Amy Spann, PE, EnSafe Inc. (Secretary);
Not pictured: Patrick Neal, PE, Pickering Firm, Inc. (Secretary); Tim Verner, PE, , Fisher & Arnold, Inc. (Treasurer); Logan Meeks, PE, A2H, Inc. (Directory at Large); David Bradford, PE, Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. (Memphis Chapter President): Mickey Sullivan, PE, Gresham, Smith and Partners (Nashville Chapter President); and Jon Sparkman, PE, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Southeast Chapter President);
2014 ACEC of TN Awards and Citations
2014 TN Engineers’ ConferenceSee images »